FRESH EPISODE: The highs and lows of being a Sandwich Generation parent.

77: Talking to your kids about your past: sex and drugs and rock and roll.

We've all got a past, but telling our kids about what happened in it is a tricky subject. Whether it's all about the fun - sex and drugs and rock and roll - or things that caused deep trauma, there's a good chance that our teens will start asking questions at any point. 

Sometimes they're genuinely curious they want to connect, and get to know what makes the human that's one of the most important people in their life. Other questions are just an attempt at getting a free pass to do things that they might otherwise be held back from. 

Opening up, and being honest with them, can help them in the process of growing up. It will help them to understand why you operate the way you do, and create a deeper connection with you. If we are too open with our kids we risk flipping the table and turning them into our own therapists or parents. 

In this episode we delve into the issues involved, and talk about how we parents can tread that difficult line with our kids.


• Trauma, parenting, and sexual assault. (0:02)
• Bonding with adult children through shared experiences. (1:12)
• Parenting and teenage mental health. (4:09)
• How to answer children's awkward questions. (10:29)
• Parenting and honesty with teenagers. (14:18)
• Sharing personal stories with children for emotional growth. (21:28)
• Navigating difficult conversations with children after trauma. (23:41)
• Sharing traumatic experiences with children. (27:31)

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