Parenting teenagers, untangled: The award-winning podcast for parents of teens and tweens.

To say you've been a lifesaver is an understatement.

I just want to say a huge than you to both of you. I have 2 teenagers (girl and boy) and struggle without a support network as I live in Istanbul, far from family and in a culture that doesn't discuss these kinds of issues.

I discovered you in September and have listened to every episode on my way to and from work.

To say you have been a lifesaver is an understatement. Your wisdom has completely changed how I relate to my teens. I can't wait for more episodes. In the meantime wishing you both a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Dec. 16, 2022 by clrdmn, Instagram on Other

Parenting teenagers, untangled: The award-winning podcast for parents of teens and tweens.